Coffee Caffeine Effects: Pros & Cons of Coffee
Do you know that more than 80% of the population is coffee drinkers and in a daily basis? If that is the case, then more and more people are becoming vulnerable to the different effects of caffeine in coffee and to your health. How much caffeine does one cup of coffee actually contain? An estimated 80 to 130 mg of caffeine in your coffee is known to enter your system every day, depending on how much cup of coffee you could consume per day.
Hence, addiction to coffee and caffeinated drinks could undoubtedly affect your health in a serious scale. Only if you put your coffee consumption in a moderate level and finally get rid of it in the end could you avoid the different effects of caffeinated coffee.
Coffee Can Cause Increased Nervousness
One of the most known purposes for coffee drinkers why their addiction and cravings are still undeniably apparent is the energizing effects of the drink. Nevertheless, drinking too much coffee could also pose negative impacts such as becoming nervous and fidgety all the time. There are also those who suffer from involuntary trembling due to coffee overload. However, it is important to understand that there are also health risks in coffee with a wide range of effects from simple indigestion to serious health threats like cancer.
You could gradually taper off from coffee consumption or you could also choose other alternative drinks. What do you get if you consume caffeinated coffee vs. green tea? What about comparing between caffeinated coffee vs. red bull, tea or coke? All these have certain levels of caffeine contents however the severity of their impacts vary.
Coffee Can Cause Stained Teeth
Coffee could definitely have physical and obvious impacts such as staining your teeth. In fact, most of those people dealing with stained or yellowish teeth are either chronic smokers or chronic coffee drinkers. Hence, if you do not want to suffer dental problems such as stained teeth, make sure you cut off your coffee consumption.
Too much caffeine especially on your coffee could also result to too much depression. This is quite known in medical communities specifically the field of psychiatric and emotional disorders. People who have nervous breakdowns or chronic depressions are never advised to take caffeinated coffee or high doses of caffeine because it could worsen the problem.
Coffee Does Have Some Positive Effects
Nevertheless, there are benefits that caffeinated beverages such as coffee could deliver to your health. For instance, it is concluded in a recent study conducted by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs in Honolulu, Hawaii that coffee drinkers are less prone to Parkinson’s disease. Moreover, moderated amount of caffeine could help you protect your gallstones as well as act as good antioxidant agent. In fact, you could use this as a reliable anti-aging substance that helps you energize your body and get younger looks.
Caffeinated coffee has innumerable effects on your health and body. Moderation has always been the secret to using coffee to your health and physiological advantage. Too much consumption however could only lead to ailments and health risks.
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